
Pretty much all of the time I wish I didn’t have diabetes.  But if there’s one time I really wish I didn’t have diabetes, it’s when I’m sick.

Like now.

Last week my daughter had a stomach virus, and yesterday I came down with it as well.

Obviously stomach flus are no fun at the best of times, but those of you who can empty out your guts and the roll over and go to sleep snuggled around a bucket without a second thought…be glad.

If you’ve never had to feed a low bloodsugar while nausous…be glad.

If you’ve never had to figure out how much insulin to take for carbs that may or may not stay down…be glad.

If you’ve never felt what it’s like to have large ketones…be glad.

If you’ve never had to get your bloodsugar and ketones under control before you can fall asleep when you can barely keep your eyes open…be glad.

If you’ve never had to wonder if you can prevent the toxic condition called DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) on your own, or if you’ll have to get your husband to wake up your kid so they can haul your sick ass into the ER…be glad.  (Thankfully I didn’t have to.)

And the next day, when you’re starting to feel better, if you’ve never had to eat around your bloodsugar instead of your weak appetite…be glad.

Just sayin’…

4 responses to this post.

  1. Stomach flu’s are one of my biggest fears. No kidding. I am TERRIFIED of them. For every single reason you just mentioned 😦 I’m sorry, feel better SOON!


  2. Posted by Sarah on May 15, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    Last time, I was in tears over a glucose tab. We should get exemptions from these for sure. Feel better soon!


  3. Posted by sylvie on May 15, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    On man…hope you feel better by the time you read this….


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